after talking about it for months ... actually almost a year, i finally have my drivers license. the process felt painfully ... what's the word ... complicated? it's not actually complicated but it feels really annoying.... maybe it's because there are so many people, long lines, going up and down the stairs to register for something and doing more up and down the stairs actions to actually do what you registered for done.
to get a korean driver's license from scratch, you basically have to do 4 things.
1. watch a driver's education video
2. take the theory test (on a computer)
3. take a "functions" test (this tests you on turning on the engine, changing gears, using headlights, blinkers etc.)
4. actual road test
they say it's going to get harder to get your license starting december 22, 2016 so i don't know if this post will be helpful from that point on.... but i still want to share my experience in case it is helpful.
i decided to sign up at a driver's ed hagwon so they could take care of all the admin. stuff and instruct me what to do, when to do it, and where to do it at. there is a site for the ministry of transportation and there is an option to view it in english, but it gives you very little information and most of it is not that helpful. however, after finishing everything, i think i just wasted my money. if i had done a little more research i'm sure i could've done it without signing up.
*the procedures that i explain here are for the gangnam test centre.
day 1.
-went to gangnam driver's license hagwon (서울 강남 운전면허 학원) and signed up. over the phone i was quoted about 500.000won but because i have had a driver's license before (in canada), i wouldn't have as much learning to do, so the price was discounted to 240.000won but 220.000won if you paid cash. so i paid cash. they have computerized cars that help you practice for the tests, so they let me practice for the "functions" test. i did it twice. it is stupid (ok, i think it's stupid, but i noticed while i was practicing, the girl beside me couldn't do it... maybe it's not stupid). so you put on your belt and adjust your seat if you need to. then, it asks you to 1. turn on the engine 2. change the gears from park to drive back to park 3. turn on the headlights 4. turn on the highbeams 5. turn off the headlights 6. turn on either the left or right signal 7. turn off the signal 8. turn on the windshield wipers 9. turn off the windshield wipers 10. release parking brale, change gears to drive, lift off of the brake pedal and go forward. then it will suddenly say "dol-bal" or something close to that. at that point, you have to break and turn on the emergency lights. and then when it tells you to go you turn them off and release your foot off the brake pedal and finished.
the reason i numbered the steps in this way is because since the test is computerized, you need to do each step after the instructions have been given and also after the timer on the screen as started. if you go too fast or do it too late, the program docks points off your score.
Fuctions Test:
day 2.
-went to the test centre to attend the safety class. i filled out the forms at the hagwon beforehand, so i just had to go up to the second floor and register for the safety class. you just go into a room and watch a movie for about an hour and you're finished. right after, you can take the theory test and if you've passed the theory test you are able to take the functions test. however, that day i didn't have enough time and had to go to work so that was all i did for day 2.
day 3.
-went to the test centre to take the theory test. it's a computerized test on the 4th floor. you have 50 minutes to answer i think 40 questions. unfortunately, i didn't study for it and thought i could pass with my common sense. i almost passed....but didn't. there are a lot of questions about things i would never know about such as how long is a trailer... what is considered a recreational trailer... what things do you not need to check under the hood before you start driving (maybe people more knowledgeable or interested in cars would know...) but honestly, when i used to drive in canada, i just started the car and went. so i had to go back another day to take it again. in the case that you fail your theory test, you are able to take it again after 24 hours.
day 4.
-went to the test centre to take my theory test and my functions test. so after failing, i decided that i would do the grueling work of translating the manual that was given to me at the hagwon. i've read online that some people received a cd that was in english but the hagwon i went to told me there were no materials in english. after three hours of translating (didn't even finish half of the manual) i got fed up and went back online to look for something i could study off of. there was a manual that was uploaded for the military that i read over once or twice, but there was nothing i didn't know in there. then finally, i found it.
click the middle icon in green that looks like a toaster oven?
on the left side there is a panel, click the second option
the top link is an introduction to the theory test (#20)
the second underlined link are the actual questions that could show up on your test (#10)
*the questions are worded exactly the same and the multiple choice answers that show up on the test are also exactly the same. i don't know about the order but if you just read through these once you should be fine for the test!
after you pass the theory test, you have to go back down to the second floor and register for the functions test (the video above shows you exactly what you need to do). after you've signed up you exit the building and have to go across the street (if you've facing away from the building exit you go left), go down a hill, and across a bridge to get to the test site. there will be a group of people testing with you so you just follow the instructions given and take your test.
*if you fail your functions test, you are able to take it again 3 days later.
once you've passed your functions test, you go back to the main building, up to the second floor and wait yet again to get your temporary license (don't forget to get that queue number). while you are getting your temporary license, you can register for your driving test there if you know what day you want to do it, or you can do it online. even foreigners can go it online. you just need your name and arc number to book your appointment.
day 5.
-went to the test center and took my actual driver's test. there are 4 courses that you could be tested on. they use a tablet to choose your course at random and you just follow the navigation and go. some people memorize these courses so they know when they should lane change beforehand, since some areas are more congested than others. so sometimes changing lanes in order to get ready for a left/right/U-turn could be helpful. i will link the four courses below for the gangnam test center. I've seen other test centers' courses on youtube too, so I'm sure you can just search for them if you know a little Korean. the only thing that surprised me about the test was that you go in twos. so one person is being tested, you have the person testing you, and there is a person sitting in the back that will be tested after the first person's test. i just thought it was odd because in canada, it's just you and the tester/proctor person. i guess it's a good way to know if the proctor is being fair or not?
A course:
B course:
C course:
D course:
*if you fail the driving part, you can book another appointment 3 days later
once you've pass the driving part, you go back up to the second floor of the main building and get your license. korea is so fast. in canada I'm sure you have to wait 2-3 weeks for your license to come in the mail.
anyway, this is how i did it. you can pay for all your fees with cash or card, you need your arc for every registration you do, and there is also a simulator at the test center (2nd floor) if you want to practice for your functions or driving test.
good luck!
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